A Baking Passion Crowned with Success

Discover the exceptional journey of Tharshan Selavarajah, master baker and founder of Le Pain de Tharshan,
who has conquered the hearts of bread lovers all over Paris.

Human Holding a Bread


Human Holding a Bread
Human Holding a Bread

Pains et Recettes Artisanales

Human Holding a Bread

Pains et Recettes Artisanales

Human Holding a Bread

Pains et Recettes Artisanales

Human Holding a Bread

Pains et Recettes Artisanales

Human Holding a Bread

Pains et Recettes Artisanales

Human Holding a Bread

Pains et Recettes Artisanales

Human Holding a Bread

Pains et Recettes Artisanales

Human Holding a Bread

Pains et Recettes Artisanales

Human Holding a Bread

Pains et Recettes Artisanales

Human Holding a Bread

Pains et Recettes Artisanales

Our Team

Discover the team behind Le Pain de Tharshan.

Tharshan Selvarajah

CEO & Founder

Shasrika Selvarajah


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Le Pain de Tharshan ©2023. 
All rights reserved.